What Will Your Parnassa Look Like In 5784?

Abundance or Scarcity? Energized or drained by your job? Connected or disconnected from Hashem?

Starting Chodesh Elul August 20th - Sept 14

Every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday

At 8:10 - 8:50 PM ILT

1:10-1:50 EST

In The Pilzno Shul, RBS A or

ZOOM with recordings available

Cost: $100 USD or 350Nis

Elul is the time to set yourself up. 

In the Elul program you will learn how to practically:

  • Use Elul to map out what you want your Parnassa to look like.

  • Harness the Koach of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur & Sukkos to open the gates of abundance

  • Deepen your connection to the words of the Tefilos & your experience of the Mitzvos of the Yomim Tovim

What You Will Get

  • 12 Classes of mind-blowing Torah sources about Gashmius, Money, Work, and the Yomim Noraim

  • Avoda exercises that transform your mindset, beliefs about money and work

  • A game plan for using Elul to map out how you want your next year of Parnassa to look like

  • Insights into how to daven for Parnassa over the Yomim Noraim

  • Q & A to get answers to your specific questions

Meet Your Curriculum Topics

Intro - What does it mean to be part of a Chabura?

What’s the difference between a Shuir and a Chabura? You’ll learn why a Chabura has been the practice of Tzadikim for thousands of years and the components that power our Chabura to create transformation together with Chavreim.

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Why We Need to Make a Cheshbon Hanefesh about Money & Work

We are familiar with Cheshbon Hanefesh about our Torah, Tefila and Middos.

Is there really such a thing about Cheshbon Hanefesh about our Parnassa?

Cheshon Hanefesh about Parnassa is how aligned is my Parnassa with the way Hashem envisioned me doing it. And it’s not just about honesty and giving Tzedaka

You’ll learn why the following questions are absolute musts as part of Avodas Hashem.

Do I have an abundance or scarcity mindset about my finances?

How excited am I when I walk into my office? To what extent am I using my super talents in my job?

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Parnassa 101

How much have you learned about the Torah Hashkafa on Gashmius, Money, and Work? You’ll explore fundamental (and mind-blowing) Torah sources that will make you question what you really know about:

-Gashmius - is it really bad or have we made it that way?

-Money, Self Worth & Happiness - are they connected?

-Work - are we meant to tolerate or enjoy it?

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Rosh Hashana - The Spirituality of Asking for Gelt

How do you feel about asking for a new couch on Yom Ha'din?

This class clears up confusion about the importance of Gashmius in our lives and how to ask for it guilt-free.

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The Shofar and Money

With all of the lofty Kavanos of Shofar - what’s the relevance of our bank accounts?

You’ll explore the depths of the sounds of the Shofar, and how it's meant to change us and open up pathways for receiving more abundance and upgrading our jobs.

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Yom Kippur - Forgiveness & Collaboration

What’s on your mind during Neilah? You’ll uncover the underlying spiritual nature of the day and how to heal relationship challenges we experience with coworkers, business partners, or competitors. 

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Sukkos - Establishing a Healthy Relationship with Gashmius

Have you wondered why we go from the spiritual experience of Yom Kippur and pick up drills and screws to build a physical dwelling? You’ll learn how the experience of Sukkos builds strong mindsets for re-engaging with Gashmius in a healthy and joyful way.

You’ll gain access to the gifts of Sukkos such as :

-A sense of intrinsic worth not dependent on your finances

-drop stress levels, let go of (unhealthy) control, and experience Bitachon.

-Develop leadership skills and be proactive in advancing your Parnassa ambitions

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When and how long are the classes?

Classes are Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 8:10 PM Israel or 1:10 PM EST.

Each class is 40-45 minutes

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Can I participate from anywhere?

Yes! Classes are live streamed and exclusive recordings are sent out after each class.

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Can I listen at my own pace?

Yes! Recordings are sent after each class.

You can choose to listen to a few classes at once if that works better for you.

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What do Avoda or exercises mean?

Avoda exercises are classes dedicated to applying the information learned to your own specific life circumstance. Through a series of different exercises, you will be challenged to consider your own belief systems, assess your success and create goals for manifesting a better Parnassa for next year.

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Why is there a fee?

This is an exclusive premier program. The fee covers the costs of the program.

It also creates a sense of responsibility and ensures that you will get the most out of the program.

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I want to join but I can’t afford it. Are there scholarships available?

Scholarships are awarded on a need basis. Please apply and be in touch about this.

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What happens after the Elul program?

The Chabura continues on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan with our next topic of Work, Job and Career. You will have the opportunity to continue with us by joining as a regular Chabura member.

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Meet Your Teachers

Rabbi Yehoshua Gerzi,Founder

Rabbi Yehoshua Gerzi is the Founder of Pilzno- Work Inspired and the Arba Yesodot Program. In addition to being the Rav of the Beis Dovid Pilzno Shul, he serves as a small business consultant and is a frequent speaker on the topics of Financial Health, Healthy Living, Mindfulness, and Relationships.

He has conducted seminars and workshops on 3 continents and has impacted the lives of thousands of people over the past 20 years.

Tzvi Broker, Director

Tzvi Broker is a career consultant with over 10 years of experience assisting people to maximize their professional potential through talent assessment, career guidance, resume writing & job search coaching.

His expertise in career development has been utilized by major Jewish organizations and he is a frequent presenter within communities, schools, and conferences.

Site: www.pilznoworkinspired.com

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